Brendan Kirwan SC, Chairing
Clíona Kimber SC, Joint author of Cyber Law and Employment
Michael O'Doherty BL, Author of Internet Law
Speakers Clíona Kimber SC and Michael O'Doherty BL analysed this evolving topic from the perspective of both employers and employees.
Topics discussed included
* Recent WRC cases which involve disciplinary action / dismissal due to employees' social media posts.
* The degree to which an employer is allowed monitor an employee's private social media accounts, or restrict their social media usage, without violating their right to privacy
* When does the expression of a controversial opinion by an employee in a personal capacity cross over into something which damages the reputation of the employer?
* Does the statement "All opinions expressed are my own and not those of my employer" provide any defence to the employee?
* The pressure on employers to react to "internet pile-ons" when an employee posts something which offends other users, who may or may not be customers of the employer