EBA CPD with Des Ryan BL - Annual Roundup of Significant Cases 2024Jul 9, 2024Date: Wednesday 10 July 2024Location: Gaffney Room & OnlineStart time: 5pmSpeaker: Des Ryan BLTopic: Annual Roundup of Significant Cases1 CPD Point applies.Member Only Event.EBA DesRyanJuly24.pdfDownload PDF • 1.75MB
Date: Wednesday 10 July 2024Location: Gaffney Room & OnlineStart time: 5pmSpeaker: Des Ryan BLTopic: Annual Roundup of Significant Cases1 CPD Point applies.Member Only Event.EBA DesRyanJuly24.pdfDownload PDF • 1.75MB
EBA - The Impact of the Supreme Court on the Development of Labour Law in Ireland: Talk and Discussion